Outdoor Wish, Inc. is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2009. A close-knit family, that truly enjoys all aspects of the outdoors, abruptly had to change their outdoor approach when one of their own family members ended up with a spinal cord injury due to an automobile accident. It was then realized that most individuals with disabilities find themselves struggling to find places that are willing to accommodate their needs. Individuals that enjoy the outdoors shouldn’t have to go without hunting or fishing just because of a disability. The Outdoor Wish, Inc. is a solution to one’s desires to be able to put meat on their family’s table, enjoy the outdoors, and feel that sense of accomplishment because they did it on their own. These individuals do not have the capability to hunt and/or fish or even enjoy the wilderness at the same lengths as most of us. Our board consists of members that are avid outdoorsmen and women that want to provide individuals with the experience that they so greatly desire.
Outdoor Wish, Inc. provides hunting, fishing, and other outdoor adventures for individuals with special needs, terminally ill, and “Wounded Warriors” of the military. Outdoor Wish, Inc., Safari Club International (SCI), Safari Wish, and Challenge the Outdoors are some of the various organizations Outdoor Wish has worked with. We have provided the essentials for multiple hunters to harvest food for their families and helping them to do this themselves.